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Introduction to Administering your Portal using the ArcGIS API for Python


Administration covers all sorts of activities from identifying what content is available in a portal, who owns it, who can get access to it, creating and managing users, uploading and validating your new content, to managing services on a GIS Server.

The list of topics which come under the title of administration are many and varied.

This course will build upon your existing Python skills and knowledge of your ArcGIS Portal to provide you with the necessary skills to administer your Portal using the ArcGIS API for Python.

Continuing professional development (CPD) is an integral part of applying for and maintaining Chartered Geographer accreditation. Attendance of this course will provide the attendee with 10 CPD points. Click here to find out more

Please note, Python Scripting is NOT taught on this course, knowledge is assumed. Attendance of Getting Started with the Python Scripting Language course (or equivalent knowledge) is required.

Course Outline: Introduction to Administering your Portal using the ArcGIS API for Python
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2 Days
Who is this course for?
GIS Technical Leads
GIS Professionals
GIS Analysts
System Administrators
Data Managers
Become familiar with the Jupyter Notebook developer environment.
Perform Administration of your portal.
Understand how to navigate the API Reference.
Learn how to search and query content within your portal.
Work with portal items, users and groups.
Investigate upload and export workflows of content.
Introduce supporting Python modules to aid your administration tasks, such as matplotlib, zipfile and glob.
Perform data validation and cleansing through the Python pandas module and the Esri Spatially Enabled DataFrame.

Additional information




12th June 2025 – 13th June 2025

  • Introducing the ArcGIS API for Python: What is the API, architecture of the API, installing the API, accessing the ArcGIS API for Python.
  • Working with notebooks: Introducing Jupyter and ArcGIS Notebooks, notebook user interface, types of notebook cell, an overview of the markup language, writing code in the notebook.
  • Understanding the API: Working with the API Guide and the API Reference, introducing the GIS module and the GIS class, working with the map widget.
  • Searching for portal items: Introducing the GIS resource manager classes, understanding how to use the search() method, searching items by their dates.
  • Administering your portal: Managing portal members, creating and managing groups, managing portal items, managing GIS servers in your Enterprise, basic service administration, using matplotlib to visualise using matplotlib to visualise administrative content.
  • Publishing and creating content: Adding data to your portal, publishing to your portal using arcpy, publishing content, sharing content to all portal members and groups, downloading data from your portal, working with attachments.
  • Exploratory data analysis: Working with the Pandas module, working with the Pandas DataFrame class and its members, correcting issues identified within a DataFrame, introducing Esri’s spatially-enabled DaraFrame (SeDF), creating a hosted feature layer from a SeDF, using accessor classes, displaying your SeDF.

Attendance of Getting Started with the Python Scripting Language course (or equivalent knowledge) and a working understanding of either Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online.

“The course was absolutely perfect for what I needed. I feel this course filled in all the gaps in my knowledge and I liked how we actually did some of the code alongside the learning aspect of the course.” Joe, National Trust

“Great course on a new topic for me. But some really good practical examples of how to administer our Portal.” Marc, Crown Estate Scotland