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Working with Utility Networks in ArcGIS


ArcGIS Utility Network provides robust tools to model, visualise, edit, and analyse complex utility networks. This course—for GIS professionals who edit and analyse electric, gas, or water networks—introduces the utility network model in the enterprise geodatabase. Learn about capabilities that organisations can leverage to better manage network assets, minimise network disruptions, and quickly respond to outages. Attendees can choose to complete course exercises using water, gas, or electric utility data.

Please note: This course is delivered by Esri Netherlands in English (if you book direct from Esri Netherlands the course will be in Dutch)

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2 Days
Who is this course for?
GIS Professionals
Explore a utility network that uses an industry-specific configuration from ArcGIS Solutions.
Apply a standard workflow to create and edit network features and components while maintaining data integrity.
Perform network tracing to identify the source of a disruption and impacted customers.
Create and share a diagram to dynamically visualise the network.

Additional information




10th February 2025 – 11th February 2025

  • Foundations of the utility network: Benefits of the utility network, Discovering the software and architecture, Elements of the utility network, Examine the structure network, Discovering data in ArcGIS, Exploring asset groups and asset types.
  • Network topology management; Network connectivity, Branch versioning, Maintaining data integrity, Understanding how feature restrictions dictate network rules, Examine attribute rules.
  • Managing connectivity and associations; Feature, group, and preset templates, Associations, Build a preset template with association
  • Network management; Network architecture, Subnetworks, Subnetwork controllers, Adding a subnetwork controller using a preset template
  • Tracing analysis; Connectivity versus traversability, Discover the types of utility network traces, Identifying uses for the utility network traces, Tracing utility networks in ArcGIS Pro. Network categories, Network attributes, Network attributes or network categories
  • Network diagrams: Network diagrams, Diagram templates, Creating a network diagram
  • Using the utility network solutions: Components of a solution, File geodatabase utility networks, Initial configuration steps in a solution

Completion of either Introduction to ArcGIS Pro for Newcomers OR Migrating from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro or equivalent knowledge.

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