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Mastering ArcGIS Survey123


If your organisation is looking to deploy ArcGIS Survey123 to easily enable user friendly, form centric data collection, then look no further. This course introduces the ArcGIS Survey123 website, the web designer, Survey123 Connect and other capabilities to help build sophisticated data collection forms from scratch. You will have the opportunity to use your own iOS or Android device to complete some course exercises.

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1 Day
Who is this course for?
Mobile Workers
Survey Creators
GIS Managers
Introduce ArcGIS Survey123 components
Create and configure simple and more complex surveys for
form-based data collection
Learn how to publish and share surveys
Make better decisions based on the analysis and reporting

Additional information




7th March 2025

  • An introduction to ArcGIS Survey123: Key features and benefits; ArcGIS Survey123 components; Available resources.
  • Using Survey123 web designer: Creating a new survey; Adding and configuring questions; Customising the survey
    appearance; Previewing and testing the survey.
  • Using Survey123 Connect; Survey123 Connect requirements; Key features; XLSForms; Creating surveys using Survey123 Connect.
  • Publishing surveys: Publishing and schema changes; Webhooks; Collaboration.
  • Analysis and Reporting: How to access the survey results; Visualising the results; Exporting your results; Working with reporting options.

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