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Building Sweet for ArcGIS Applications – An Introduction


Sweet for ArcGIS is an Esri UK web application that allows you to build simple but smart web editing applications. As part of the course you will learn how to create Sweet for ArcGIS applications to ensure that data at the point of creation and on every edit is accurate and always ready for analysis.

Continuing professional development (CPD) is an integral part of applying for and maintaining Chartered Geographer accreditation. Attendance of this course will provide the attendee with 10 CPD points. Click here to find out more

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2 Days
Who is this course for?
GIS Analysts
GIS Technical Leads
GIS Professionals
GIS Desktop Application Developers
Application Developers
Design Sweet applications with optimised data schemas.
Understand and apply topological rules.
Use Arcade to define feedback and attribute calculation.
Integrate Sweet applications in an Enterprise environment.
Understand what Sweet is designed to do.
Work with Sweet applications.
Create and configure new Sweet applications.

Additional information




13th March 2025 – 14th March 2025, 18th June 2025 – 19th June 2025

  • What is Sweet for ArcGIS: Why Sweet and Sweet resources.
  • Keeping things simple: A simple web editor, the Sweet approach, custom themes and the use of intelligent data schemas.
  • Configurable functionality: Adding configurable functionality through panels.
  • Rules: Spatial, attribute and connectivity rules.
  • Extending with Arcade: The Arcade expression language, actions and triggers.
  • Editing with impact: Sweet generated feedback, charts and messages.
  • Solutions: Templates, export and import between accounts.
  • Webhooks and workflows: Launching applications and session variables.
  • Enterprise integration: Command line options.

“A very interesting course that helps to know how Sweet can be configurable to suit the customer’s needs.” Oscar, SSE