2 Days
Who is this course for?
GIS Analysts
Planning Professionals
Geospatial Intelligence Analysts
GIS Users
Visualise GIS data in 2D and 3D globes and local perspectives.
Create and import 3D data.
Edit and maintain 3D vector data in a 3D environment.
Perform 3D analyses including viewshed, visibility, volumetric, and terrain analyses using vector and raster data.
Visualise temporal data in 3D by enabling time and creating 3D animations.
The course will provide you with the knowledge of:
- Using 3D GIS: Considerations for incorporating 3D into GIS workflows, navigating data in 2D and 3D simultaneously, viewing a project from multiple perspectives.
- Working with 3D data: Understanding z-values and z-aware features, rasters, datasets, creating an elevation raster from a digital elevation model (DEM), interpolating a surface, 3D features.
- Visualising GIS data in 3D: Functional surface types, suitability models, determining optimal aspect, slope, and elevation, performing suitability analysis, creating skylines and skyline barriers to perform visibility analysis.
- Solving problems with 3D GIS: 3D virtual city workflow, coastal flood inundation.
This course is aimed at those who have prior ArcGIS Pro experience and who have attended ANY of the following courses:
Or have equivalent working knowledge.